Graduation was exactly 1 month ago.Amidst all the joyous celebrations, ecstatic photo-taking and tears of joy, one can’t help that it’s been a long 5 years…
Who could forget our M1 Medicamp held in the old Boy’s Brigade Sembawang camp, where we first met our OG mates? And the subsequent crazy Rag & Flag days and nights spent outside the old library, pasting shiny coloured papers on 5 different backdrops / making big sweets / sewing costumes / rehearsing dance moves? One thing led to another, and it has been 5 crazy years of colourful memories – Float, Yunnan, MUNUS, Lokun, Playhouse, CHP, SIP…
People may have walked in and out of our lives during the last 5 years, but there has always been 1 constant…
He was there, as we plodded foreign lands in our wanderlust: from neighbouring Cambodia to far-flung Africa; running after trains/ships/planes with heavy backpacks…
He was there, when we sneaked out to supper / board games / KTV to maintain our sanity amidst studying for the never-ending exams: remember running out in the middle of Psych for a game of Puerto Rico at Holland V Settler’s? or to KBox AMK in the middle of lunch at Derm?
He was there, and helped keep our feet firmly planted (in the library) when it was time to study: yes, the good old Medical library (and the rather sad looking medicinal herb garden outside), the brown wooden benches outside, and the rather painful red tables and chairs with a gazillion holes in them ready to turn your bottom into a tessellated tile pattern…
He was there, to forgive us when we make mistakes. Oh, a plenty there are – but what’s important is that we pick ourselves up to become better people!
He was there, staying by our sides through the long nights slaving over CHP / Playhouse / studying. How many of us can forget ploughing the HDB flats of Clementi in M4 CHP years, armed with weighing scales and measuring tapes to measure the waist-hip-ratio of the residents? Or sewing costumes and sticking props till 2am for Playhouse despite clinics lasting till 6pm and starting 6am the next?
It has been a long 5 years. Thank you, Lord, for being the ever constant in change.
As we celebrate the end of 5 years, we must never forget God’s guiding hand along the journey – for this is only the end of a beginning of a calling of a lifetime.
Happy commencement to all my fellow HOs! =)
~ Alvin Tng
Dr’s Blog is a feature of the CMG web site that aims to encourage interaction between Guild members. We hope to foster a spirit of community through the sharing of thoughts and personal experirences. The opinions expressed in these blogs are entirely those of the contributors and not of the Catholic Medical Guild of Singapore.
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2015 Jul: May You Rest in Peace
2015 Jan: Happy New Year 2015
2014 Dec: A Prayer for Deliverance 2
2014 Oct: Who are you, Where am I?
2014 Sep: A Prayer for Deliverance
2014 May: Behind Those Clothes
2014 Feb: The Red Packet(s)
2014 Jan: God Loves You
2013 Dec: Caroling Reflections of an Expired M
2013 Nov: Scripture Reflection for Physicians
2013 Oct: Hang on. We haven’t beat this thing yet.
2013 Sep: Me and My Ride
2013 Aug: A Gift of Life
2013 Jul: Finding Happiness in a Land of Plenty
2013 Jun: A Beeline
2013 May: Living My Love Of..
2013 Apr: The Healthcare Debate
2013 Mar: A Doctor’s Prayer
2013 Feb: Project Battambang ’12
2013 Feb: Mission Srolanth ’12: To Heal the Heart, with a Heart to Heal
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2012 Dec: The Lost Art Of…
2012 Nov: Rome Sweet Home – Short Reflections
2012 Sep: He Keeps Falling
2012 Aug: God Decides
2012 July: Am I To Blame?
2012 June: Saving Fragile Lives
2012 May: Ruminations On Love
2012 Mar: The iPhone
2011 Dec: The Red Cross
2011 Nov: Give Thanks!
2011 Aug: Ashes – The Epilogue
2011 July: Charity
2011 July: Ashes
2011 May: Of Angry Birds & Cowardly Mice
2011 May: Notes From Salzburg On Good Friday
2011 Apr: What It Means
2011 Mar: A Job.
2011 Mar: Dear Father…
2011 Feb: Clothes, A Person Doth Maketh
2011 Jan: Wonderfully Made
2010 Dec: A White Christmas
2010 Dec: A Medical Christmas Carol
2010 Nov: Saying Goodbye
2010 Oct: I Am Always With You
2010 Sept: Be Joyful Always
2010 July: Managing Expectations
2010 June: But They Are Our Masters…
2010 June: Driving: A Means of Personal Formation?
2010 May: HO Welcome Tea
2010 May: The Rain
2010 May: A Missed Lunch
2010 May: Man In The Mirror
2010 May: Reflections At The End Of The Day
2010 Apr: Finding God In All Things
2010 Mar: Surely You Put Your Trust In The Lord?
2010 Mar: The Significance of a Name
2009 Nov: Batam: Beyond A Mission
2009 Oct: The Broken Rosary
2009 Sept: Love Note To God, Father
2009 Aug: Let God Take The Wheel
2009 Aug: The Prequel: The One About Graduation
2009 July: The Sequel: The Later Months
2009 June: First Month of HO-Ship
2009 May: “The House of God” by Samuel Shem
2009 May: In The Discipleship for Christ