The Catholic Medical Guild of Singapore

Ashes – The Epilogue Posted on 19th Aug 2011, 10:00pm by admin

And I thought that that was the end of it.

I had posted the little note on my facebook wall, forgetting that I had “be-friended” one of my medics on FB (kinda reminds you of the dangers of FB, doesn’t it?). Guess nothing online is really private. Anyway, was a little surprised to see a reply to my little note…

“ Dr XXX,

First off, I would like to say that I am very glad and thankful that I had the opportunity to work with you for those few months even though I may not have been the best “employee”. Even after ORDing, the things that you have said/done will still be with me throughout the rest of my life.

Like you’ve said, smoking is an individual decision. No matter what you say/enforce/counsel, it’s all going to fall on deaf years if the person does not want to quit. Everyone has their vices, some people gamble, some people smoke etc. There is no perfect world, no perfect workplace.

Anger – Smokers offering cigarettes to non smokers. I think your anger should be channelled into disappointment of the “non smokers” instead of being angry at the former. There is no way to force a cigarette down someone’s throat, unlike our dearest ERP/GST/ (insert abbreviation here). No amount of policing will suffice, unless you turn into a one man ruling party and enforce a strictly no smoking or else policy.

Disappointment – In my humble opinion, I believe that smoking does not dent one’s integrity/discipline/work ability or anything for that matter. Having a diligent worker who smokes versus a sloth who does not, which would incur more disappointment?

Regret – Parents send their son to serve the nation is akin to sending their kids to school. The school graduates 990 students and 10 fall off the bandwagon. Statistics don’t lie; parents do not have the right to blame the school/educators.

There is no pleasing everyone. You can do a good job and people will forget about it and just focus on the downsides. I feel that you should give yourself more credit Sir. From what I have seen for myself, from you helping to move the stores with your own bare hands instead of using your superiority to push your men around, to you encouraging us by buying us lunch when we stayed back to help, you definitely do not belong to the “I-failed-as-a-leader” group. I don’t think it is fair to carry so much of a burden on your shoulders. You are placed there to lead your men, not to be their babysitter.

Vexed – I think I have basically covered this in the aforementioned paragraphs. I would like to repeat that this is just my opinion and in no way do I mean any disrespect to you.

The few months that I got to work under both you and Dr YYY has taught me a lot, and I would like to reiterate that it was both a joy and a privilege. Don’t give up the fight, losing a battle does not equate to losing the war.

Yours Sincerely,


Many thoughts and feelings ran through my mind as I read the reply.

Yes, these “boys” are adults at 18 years of age. They can make their own decisions in life. But that does not mean that we should let them be. In our different positions in life, we are given the opportunity to empower people around us in a positive and Christ-like way.

We, as Catholic doctors, are always challenged to live up to our principles, to be a role model for others around us. Even though the journey will be tough (will, not might), always remember that God will be with us through this time. Never forget that as long as we are doing what is right, God will give us the strength to see us through.

We, as Catholic doctors, are challenged to be leaders of a different kind. There is no place for dictatorial styles of leadership where orders are given from an ivory tower. We have to see the people around us as individuals – not just a bed number, a disease, or an admin statistic or subordinate (for those in the admin field). Reach out to those around us.

And finally…

Rats. Note to self: be careful of what you write on facebook. =)

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