I reached home the other day, only to discover that my rosary had broke at one of the joints. And promptly, my mood took a dip. It actually took me a while to put a finger on what exactly made me unhappy – after all, isn’t it just a rosary that could be bought at any church?
The rosary has always held a special place in the heart of many Catholics.
I still remember my first rosary – a baby blue rosary with plastic beads, strung together by coarse thread. It followed me through my baptism days in early Primary school, before ceding its position to its crystal counterpart during my confirmation days – a gift from my Godfather. I even used to own its pocket-sized cousin which followed me around in my wallet!
I remember my weekly family trips to the Novena, where the people sitting around held a rosary in their hands, murmuring the familiar words of the rosary. I remember the routine rosary sessions held before every weekend evening mass; and the handful of devotees gathering around the grotto of my church where the statue of Mother Mary stands, beads in hands, prayers in heart.
I must confess that I wasn’t one of those particularly pious types who prayed the rosary every day – well, only when I was really young and my mom made the whole family recite the rosary before bedtime every night. But with schoolwork piling up as I grew older, family rosary prayers became a luxury. Instead, I started praying the rosary to sleep instead. Well, it isn’t very hard to guess then, that more often than not, I fell asleep barely halfway into all 5 decades.
Coming back to my broken rosary, this one’s a gift from my mom who bought it from the Vatican on a trip there. So yeah, you can say that I was pretty upset. Upset since it was a gift from my mom; upset since I couldn’t exactly just buy a replacement for this from my local parish; and mostly, upset since I couldn’t remember when the last time I recited the full rosary was.
When was the last time you said the full rosary? Maybe it’s time?
I’m off to fix mine! ~ By Alvin
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Hi, Alvin
My first rosary was given to me whilst I was hospitalised with a minor surgery. Ironically I was admitted to Mt Alvernia. I was 27yr old and not a Catholic then.
My journey through RCIA took almost 5years. During those times, this rosary was with me always. AND….I had very trying and difficult times in my personal life as well as my acceptance of Christ then. I had severe arthritis which made me barely able to kneel on the wooden planks in the church when I pray (those days it was not cushioned).
On one occasion, I stared at the big cruxifix in the chapel at St Muichael’s Church, weeping and begging God to help me. I asked for a sign…not that I would expect one.
Couple days passed before I realised that the right knee joint of Jesus on my humble cruxifix of the rosary was broken! I was shocked. Reason being that I told God “My knees are hurting me; I am begging you with the same pain you have endured. Please show me a sign if you are hearing me”.
There it was! HE heard me. I have never looked back since. I was baptised in 2001 despite many hurtful obstacles during my journey towards Christ. Many many trials went by and many many are still challenging my frail health, well-being and FAITH.
I want to give up my live many times – often suidcidal thoughts (affliating with my health condition). I never get to do it. My Rosary is my Strength – Mother Mary is always there to intercede for me. If I have not heard the answer, I just have to wait. I have cultivated patience, humanity and peace of mind. Mostly importatntly – FAITH.
I pray, always, always, that if I leave Jesus first, let HIM never let me go. I will return because deep within me, I am already HIS – I must pesevere to complete HIS will and wait for HIM to call on me.
Hope I have shared a wonderful faith seeking process with all. And for all who are searching, search no more. HE is just beside YOU.
God Bless
Priscilla B
Hi Priscilla,
Thanks for sharing your touching story of your Rosary in your life! I have just returned home from surgery recently, and have started to pray the rosary again.
I pray for you that God will be with you in all your trials and tribulations. May he ease the pain of your arthritis.. He will never let you down, so never give up on yourself! =)