The Catholic Medical Guild of Singapore

Join Us

As Catholic doctors we are challenged to live and practice our Christian faith daily, to live beyond the call of our medical vocation. To live the Gospel values of Christ, we need to discover ways to deepen our relationship with our Lord, to experience God as a person.

God is present in the sick, the dying, the Aids patient, the drug addicts and refugees, and victims of unjust social structures. He calls out to us from the poor, the dying , the suffering, and the voiceless unborn child about to be aborted.  He is everywhere.

The CMG invites you to join us in meeting these challenges, to share the gifts and graces you have received through His bounty by actively participating in this healing ministry. In return, you will find God in your life through your commitment and services to His  church and community.  These are changing times. Make the change and join us ! And change we can!

Contact Info

Salutation :
Firstname :
Lastname :
Email :
Contact No. :
Address :
Country :
Postal :

Personal Information

Gender :
Birthday :
Religion :
Parish :
Marital Status :

Professional Details

Year of Graduation :
Specialty :
Place of Work :

Areas of Interest

Faith Formation
Volunteer Medical Work
Contribution to Dr's Blog
Contribution to Web Page

Preferred Method of Communication

Snail mail

What Can CMG Do For You?

  1. About Us
  2. Events
  3. Dr's Blog
  4. Resources
  5. Join Us
  6. Contact Us

"I promise to consecrate my life to the service of humanity in the footsteps of Jesus Christ the Divine Physician."