The Catholic Medical Guild of Singapore

Our Constitution

The Catholic Medical Guild recently had a revision of the Constitution (2017) in order to serve the members and the Community better.

Patron: His Grace, The Archbishop of Singapore



1. Objects of the Guild
a) To provide a Catholic network and fellowship for its members.
b) To encourage the ethical practice of science and medicine.
c) To assist in developing the health of communities in need.
d) To help its members live their faith.

2. Membership
The Guild shall consist of Ordinary, Honorary and Associate members. All Catholic members of the medical profession shall be eligible for membership. Honorary members may be elected from kindred Guilds in other countries and from among Catholics whom the Guild desires to honour in and especial manner in recognition of their services to the Church, to science, or to the Guild itself. Registered medical students shall be eligible as Associate members.

3. Patron Saints
The Guild is placed under the patronage of St. Luke, SS. Cosmas and Damian.

4. Officers of the Guild
The officers of the Guild shall consist of a Master, 1-2 Deputy Masters, the immediate Past Master, an honorary
Secretary, an honorary Treasurer, and seven Committee members, who shall form the Council, and manage the affairs of the Guild.

The Council has the option to co-opt up to 5 additional committee members into the Council. The co-opted members shall have no voting rights at Council meetings

5. Election of officers
Term of office for key office bearers namely the Guild Master, the Deputy Guild Masters, the Honorary Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer (“Key Officer Bearers”) shall be for a period of 2 years, and the term of office for all other council members shall be for a period of 1 year. The Treasurer shall not serve more than 2 consecutive terms (i.e. not more than 4 consecutive years). The Master shall not serve more than 3 consecutive terms (ie. not more than 6 consecutive years). 

Elections for Key Officer Bearers shall as such take place once every 2 years at the Annual General Meeting, while elections for the other council members shall be at every Annual General Meeting. Names of Candidates shall be proposed at the Annual General Meeting and election will follow on a simple majority vote of the members present and voting at the meeting.

6. Application for membership
Every application for admission to the Guild shall be made on such form and in such manner as may be prescribed or required by the Council and submitted to the Council. The Council shall have the discretion to accept or reject any application.

7. Subscription
The subscription shall be determined by the General Meeting on the recommendation of the Council from time to time. No member whose subscription is in arrears shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting. A member whose subscription is over twelve months in arrears shall, at the discretion of the council, cease to be a member of the Guild.

8. Master of the Guild
The Master shall regulate all the proceedings of the Guild and Council, state and put questions, interpret the application of the laws, and decide any doubtful points. He shall check irregularities, and enforce the observance of the laws. He shall sign the minutes of the General and Council meetings. In the absence of the Master, the immediate Past Master, the Hon. Treasurer or some other member chosen by the meeting shall perform his duties.

9. Honorary Secretary of the Guild
The Hon. Secretary shall conduct all correspondence and shall keep the minutes of the Guild and Council. He shall maintain the register of members.

10. Honorary Treasurer of the Guild
The Hon. Treasurer shall receive all monies due to the Guild and make all payments ordered by the Council, keeping an account of all such receipts and payments. The accounts shall be audited once a year and presented to the Guild at the Annual Meeting. The Hon. Auditor shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting.

11. Meetings of the Council
The Council shall meet at least three times a year on the order of the Master, one of which meetings shall be held a month previous to the Annual General Meeting. The Master shall on the request of three members of the Council summon a meeting of the Council. Five members shall form a quorum. The Master shall have a casting vote in addition to his ordinary vote.

12. Vacancies of Office
The Council shall have the power of filling any vacancies which may occur in any of the offices of the Guild in such manner as it deems appropriate.

13. Alteration of Rules
The rules shall not be altered or added to except at the Annual General Meeting. Proposed alterations or additions must be sent in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least six weeks before the Annual General Meeting, and will be laid before the next meeting of the Council. No alteration in the constitution or rules of the Guild shall be made unless a two-third majority in favour of the change be obtained at an Annual General Meeting. Amendments shall not become effective without the prior sanction of the Registrar of Societies.

14. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall take place once a year around the Feast of St. Luke (October 18th) or such other date as may be practicable. Two weeks’ notice shall be given. The Annual Report and the previous financial year’s accounts shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting.

20% of the total membership of the Guild shall constitute a quorum at a General Meeting.

In the event of there being no quorum, the Meeting shall be adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing rules.

(Updated as of 2017 with approval of the Registry of Societies) 

Related Pages

  1. Our Stand On Abortion
  2. Our Constitution
  3. Prayer of the Catholic Physician
  4. The CMG Pledge
  5. Office Bearers 70th CMG Council
  6. Our Patron Saints
  7. Our History

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"I promise to consecrate my life to the service of humanity in the footsteps of Jesus Christ the Divine Physician."